I thought to run you only needed shoes. Well, you do need a few other essentials such a comfortable shorts, or whatever style pants you like as well as some sort of shirt, top, etc. I went into this with the idea that I wouldn't have the opportunity for gadgets or toys. My other sports/hobbies such as downhill skiing, fly fishing and photography have lots of gadgets and toys to consider. However, Wednesday night in our 5K class, Shauna filled a table up with all sorts of gadgets, shoes and clothing. I was amazed! How could something as simple as running have so many things to consider. A variety of watches, heart monitors, GPS devices, different types of water bottles, belts for the water bottles, race belts (holds the race number…wait, I think it is called a "bib"), little reflective wrist bands, arm/leg sleeves, different tops, pants, shorts, jackets, hats, visors and the list goes on. I like gadgets and "stuff," so this is appealing to me. I may have found another way to accumulate more "stuff." How about running shoes! Who would have thought that could be complicated. We learned there are different shoes for different types of feet. I have to figure out what kind of feet I have - more on that later.
My problem (not my only one...no comments welcome on this one) is an addiction to technology. I love acquiring new tech things to adapt to my lifestyle. Nathan has a Garmin GPS device he wears on his wrist for running, so I am familiar with the capabilities. It is incredible the data it records and then you synch with your PC or MAC to a cloud based application and you can archive your training to evaluate your progress as well as build training programs for the future. These things are sophisticated and really cool. They are also expensive.
So, we will see what I do with the toy list. However, I will draw the line on the pink gaiters for shoes that Shauna showed us. Now if we could get WVU gaiters I'm in.
I can feel that I am progressing and I am pretty satisfied. It is rather interesting that while running I don't necessarily find it fun, feeling good or anything like that. Actually, trying to hit the times Shauna has challenged me with gets rather uncomfortable sometimes. But, when it is over, I certainly feel good, refreshed or whatever you want to call it. A lot of the challenge is in your head. It is so easy to talk yourself out of not going out or stopping in the middle of a workout. You have to push through. The mental aspect is as significant as the physical training. A lot can be said for the benefit of being part of a group, and for me, having a coach is a good thing. Some of this mental thing reminds me of Army basic training. You learned (and rather quickly I might say) that most of our physical limitations that we think we have are more mental than physical.

Teammate and friend, Jo Wilson was in class Wednesday night. Due to our crazy schedules, it was the first class we have had together. I had a little bit to do with Jo starting this journey. I am pleased that she took on this challenge. Here we are ready to do our workouts. She is determined and will do it!
It is a beautiful day out there today, so get out, get moving, do something fun and enjoy!
- Kevin Turley