The journey of several WMHS employees as they get ready for a 5K!

Monday, August 26, 2013

About Six Weeks...

I continue to make progress. Some days I feel pretty good and others not so much. I suppose running is like everything else in life…ups and downs. We have about 6 weeks to go until the GAR 5K. 

This week in class, Shauna plans to time us again for the mile and adjust training plans accordingly. I am curious to see how I do, but regardless of the time, I am satisfied that I am more comfortable running and can enjoy it a bit. As I understand the process, I am finishing up the building phase and starting the sharpening phase and then it will be on to taper and recovery. I recall some of this terminology when Nathan was swimming competitively. I guess the approach is the same. It is interesting how this works. 

Remember, my goal was to do this for me and hopefully create an opportunity for better health. I have lost about 7 or so pounds, and my blood pressure is very slowly starting to respond downward. So, I guess this activity stuff that we preach does actually lead to positive results. More to come since it is early in the process; but again, I am satisfied with how this is going. I hope everyone does well with their mile time this week - good luck to all!  Kevin

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