The journey of several WMHS employees as they get ready for a 5K!

Monday, May 19, 2014


I saw this on Facebook the other evening and thought it was very profound and awesome!  The site is known as Runner Girl and under the caption was written “LOVE – He could have excuses but instead he is DOING IT!!”  His t-shirt says “50 – fat – diabetic - ahead of you."  This guy took charge of his life, admitted his weaknesses but demonstrated his strengths.  He found his “why."  Once you define your “why” it’s easy to figure out your “how."

You don’t have to do a marathon, you don’t have to worry about what kind of pace is needed to keep up with the person in front of or beside you – what I keep telling my kids – you just have to keep moving.  Your “how” could be in the form of biking, walking, swimming, gardening, or making a lifestyle change by simply exchanging a soda for a water.  Small steps are better than no steps.
My “why?"  My family – my husband, children, “fur-children," parents, my sister and her family, and my friends mean the world to me.  If I don’t take care of myself, I won’t be able to help others when needed.
My “how” – participate with my kids; not just expect them to “get out there and do it," and lead by example the best I can. 
My weaknesses are many but I’ll always keep moving. 

-Amy Campbell

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