The journey of several WMHS employees as they get ready for a 5K!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Congratulations, Runners!

A group of 50 WMHS employees, their family members and friends took the challenge of running for the health of it and participated in the Great Allegany Run on Saturday, October 5.
Remarkably, many of these runners had never participated in a 5K run before.  They went from “no way” to a successful race day by participating in a 12-week program taught by certified running coaches.  The weekly session took them step by step through the process of preparing for a 5K run.  Participants also had individual training plans tailored to their level of fitness developed for them by the coaches.
Excitement was high as the 37 members of the class did a “practice 5K” the week before the Great Allegany Run.  That didn’t compare to the thrill of actually meeting their goal of completing the 5K run on October 5.  Ten members of the WMHS team even took home awards for finishing in 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their age categories.
The class was comprised of staff from throughout WMHS, many of whom did not know one another before this.  They developed a great camaraderie over the 12 weeks and were a great source of encouragement for each other.  They are now planning ahead to their next 5K event.  

There has been such interest in the class that another session is planned for the coming spring.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Come Saturday Morning

The best of times.....the worst of times...

I think we have all heard that expression. And it came to mind that this is what I am living through right now. The best of son has become engaged to a sweet and charming young woman that I already love like a daughter. They are getting married next August in Duluth MN where they both live and I could not be happier. David has started back to school and really likes his program. I got a great evaluation at work and am very excited and challenged with my upcoming projects. The worst of times...both my brothers have had unexpected cardiac events/issues. David, my husband, passed out face down at school and busted his face, his heart rate dropped to 36, and was taken by ambulance on a back board and cervical collar to the hospital. I set fire to the microwave and smoked the house and broke the washing machine. Since it was going to be $791 in damages we need a new one, so I have had to fit in trips to the laundromat until we can get a new one delivered. Saddest of all, my father in law passed away. I now have caught one of the worse colds of my life.

I have found it very difficult to stick with my eating plan and my exercise plan. During times like these, it is often hard to stay focused. My father-in-law's home is in Havre de Grace, MD, a quaint little town in the upper most part of Hartford County on the edge of the Susquehanna River.  It takes about 4.5 to 5 hours to make that trip from Cumberland, and I can't tell you how many times David and then David and I together made that trip recently. This is all not very conducive to healthy eating and exercising.

But this is life and so today I got up, got dressed and joined the rest of the 5K team this morning. And while a walk around the block was all I could manage today, Carey and I have plans Thursday for a practice run to get me ready for Saturday's GAR. I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!

I cannot come this far and not do this race. So come on out next week and cheer us on!!!

Our class at our dress rehearsal for the GAR on September 28, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Poor Little Body

So yesterday I met up with Carey at our WOC gym after work. I decided that I would do some training on the elliptical. The treadmill can be a bit boring after a while. So I did 5 minutes on the elliptical. OMG!! What a very different experience. Then I finished my routine 20 minutes on the treadmill. I don't know what was up with me but I decided to run a little bit as well!!

Well let me tell you, today my poor little body is really talking to me. My upper arms and shoulders are killing me. Just typing this hurts. And my back isn't terribly happy with me either.  I have taken ibuprofen  but imagine rest is what is needed. After I feel the pain, though, I start to laugh because when I think that it was from exercising that I hurt, I find it funny. Before I did this program I NEVER in a million years imagined doing this. I am so glad that I decided to take this challenge. (Thank you, Kevin). Glad I work for a place that cares about their employee's health.

Anyway, I think I will rest; but tomorrow if the weather stays nice, Snoopy is in trouble and we will walk to McDonald's again!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I have been feeling like I really want to see if I could actually walk the 5K. After all, the big day is only 4 weeks or so away.  I have decided that I am not going to run even a part of the race. When I do run, my heart rate shoots up to almost 160 and that is just too fast. Plus, to be honest, it really tires me out. So a fast walk is about what I can do. So I met Carey after lecture over at AC. And off we went.

We did the first 2 miles on the big track, but as the sun set the bugs became pretty active. I even swallowed one! YUCK!!!   So for the last mile we did the inside quarter-mile track 4 times. I was so proud of my self. It took me 67.25 minutes to do it.  Given that when I stared it took me 36 minutes to do 1 mile, I am very happy with my progress.

Here is a picture of me and Carey when I finished!! - Jo Wilson

Monday, August 26, 2013

About Six Weeks...

I continue to make progress. Some days I feel pretty good and others not so much. I suppose running is like everything else in life…ups and downs. We have about 6 weeks to go until the GAR 5K. 

This week in class, Shauna plans to time us again for the mile and adjust training plans accordingly. I am curious to see how I do, but regardless of the time, I am satisfied that I am more comfortable running and can enjoy it a bit. As I understand the process, I am finishing up the building phase and starting the sharpening phase and then it will be on to taper and recovery. I recall some of this terminology when Nathan was swimming competitively. I guess the approach is the same. It is interesting how this works. 

Remember, my goal was to do this for me and hopefully create an opportunity for better health. I have lost about 7 or so pounds, and my blood pressure is very slowly starting to respond downward. So, I guess this activity stuff that we preach does actually lead to positive results. More to come since it is early in the process; but again, I am satisfied with how this is going. I hope everyone does well with their mile time this week - good luck to all!  Kevin

Snoopy and Me!

Today, Sunday, I knew I needed to get my walk in but I have been so bored just walking around the block. So Snoopy and I decided we would walk to McDonald's on Route 220. Now I live in the upper part of Belair and wasn't real sure how far it was. But I figured it was at least a mile. So I packed up water, a small plastic dish for Snoopy, plastic poopie bags just in case, and my phone into my shoulder pack and off we went!  David was going to pick us up once we got to McDonald's because I did not think I could make it back up the hill to the house. Walking, it took Snoopy and me about 36 minutes to complete the mile and a quarter. And we did just walk because for Snoopy there were too many delicious smells to trot or run past.

The interesting thing was that after we got there I really felt I could have done it again!! Wow what a difference these 2 months have made!! Next goal....I'm walking to Food Lion!!!  Jo

Friday, August 23, 2013

We had class last night. Adam, one of our dietitians, did a great job talking to the class about proper nutrition for our bodies as we gear up for the 5K. But wouldn't you know it, just as we were finishing up, the weather turned ugly. Winds, rain, lightening and hail were on its way. You would have thought it was the 10 plagues coming to Cumberland!! So we were not going to run. I was actually disappointed, especially because Carey from Wellness was meeting me. 

Well, I got in touch with Carey (thanks, Brenda), and I asked her if she would meet me at the WOC gym. I was NOT going to miss my training night!! (Wait a this really ME talking). So we met up over at the gym. And I tried something new.  I went on the stair stepper!!! How cool was that. I think I actually liked it better then the treadmill. Now I could only do it for about 2 minutes because the top of my thighs felt like they were going to catch on fire!! LOL!!  So then I switched to the treadmill. I also met some new people that are in the class who came over to workout as well.

I must admit I am enjoying this a lot more than I thought!! As a matter of fact, I am already thinking about how I will need to do something after October so I keep on  "running!!"

- Jo Wilson

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

So, I walked Snoopy on Saturday so long that my husband could not believe it!! Me either, to tell you the truth!

Today I was over at the WOC gym and broke my own record from last week. A mile in 19.04, down from 19.55 last week. I must say I am pleased. Carey from Wellness worked out with me this evening and it was more fun than being alone. I actually ran a couple of times!!

We have class tomorrow evening and I am looking forward to it to see how well I do. I'd like to get comfortable with two miles and then begin the push to three. I want to make sure my body arrives at 5K performance by the 2nd week in September.

Okay, gotta get home and let the doggies out!!


Friday, August 16, 2013

Gadgets and Toys

I thought to run you only needed shoes. Well, you do need a few other essentials such a comfortable shorts, or whatever style pants you like as well as some sort of shirt, top, etc. I went into this with the idea that I wouldn't have the opportunity for gadgets or toys. My other sports/hobbies such as downhill skiing, fly fishing and photography have lots of gadgets and toys to consider. However, Wednesday night in our 5K class, Shauna filled a table up with all sorts of gadgets, shoes and clothing. I was amazed! How could something as simple as running have so many things to consider. A variety of watches, heart monitors, GPS devices, different types of water bottles, belts for the water bottles, race belts (holds the race number…wait, I think it is called a "bib"), little reflective wrist bands, arm/leg sleeves, different tops, pants, shorts, jackets, hats, visors and the list goes on. I like gadgets and "stuff," so this is appealing to me. I may have found another way to accumulate more "stuff." How about running shoes! Who would have thought that could be complicated. We learned there are different shoes for different types of feet. I have to figure out what kind of feet I have - more on that later.

My problem (not my only comments welcome on this one) is an addiction to technology. I love acquiring new tech things to adapt to my lifestyle.  Nathan has a Garmin GPS device he wears on his wrist for running, so I am familiar with the capabilities.  It is incredible the data it records and then you synch with your PC or MAC to a cloud based application and you can archive your training to evaluate your progress as well as build training programs for the future. These things are sophisticated and really cool. They are also expensive.

So, we will see what I do with the toy list. However, I will draw the line on the pink gaiters for shoes that Shauna showed us. Now if we could get WVU gaiters I'm in.

I can feel that I am progressing and I am pretty satisfied. It is rather interesting that while running I don't necessarily find it fun, feeling good or anything like that. Actually, trying to hit the times Shauna has challenged me with gets rather uncomfortable sometimes. But, when it is over, I certainly feel good, refreshed or whatever you want to call it. A lot of the challenge is in your head. It is so easy to talk yourself out of not going out or stopping in the middle of a workout. You have to push through. The mental aspect is as significant as the physical training. A lot can be said for the benefit of being part of a group, and for me, having a coach is a good thing. Some of this mental thing reminds me of Army basic training. You learned (and rather quickly I might say) that most of our physical limitations that we think we have are more mental than physical. 

Teammate and friend, Jo Wilson was in class Wednesday night. Due to our crazy schedules, it was the first class we have had together. I had a little bit to do with Jo starting this journey. I am pleased that she took on this challenge. Here we are ready to do our workouts.  She is determined and will do it!

It is a beautiful day out there today, so get out, get moving, do something fun and enjoy!

- Kevin Turley

Monday, August 12, 2013

Well, we are entering our fourth week of class and I have missed two of the first three. I missed one due to business travel and one for vacation. Hopefully, my attendance will be better going forward. I do now have a coach! Shauna McQuade is leading me with a pretty calculated training plan to help me accomplish a first time 5K. Even though my attendance hasn't been the best, Shauna has done a terrific job keeping me up to speed with what has been covered in class and with my running homework. We have chatted more on line via email than in person.  It is early, but so far having a coach makes a difference. First, I have some confidence that I am doing what I should be with running. It is easy to second guess yourself and try to do more than you should or the other way around and not challenge yourself. Secondly, I feel a sort of commitment to do the workouts as prescribed and strive to hit the goals that she has developed for me. You know how it is, we all want to do well for the coach.  Maybe I should have done this a long time ago.

Last week, I was in Virginia Beach on vacation and I actually did my workouts! I surprised myself... I completed two runs on the boardwalk and did two sessions of strength training in the hotel fitness room. Then, my son, Nathan had me on the hotel steps as opposed to using the elevator. Those steps can be tough after a workout! Nathan is a tough trainer.  He was a big help keeping me motivated during one of the morning runs. Mid-morning was very hot for running and he wouldn't let me stop. Thanks Nathan!

Yesterday, I did my weekly "long" run. It was 4.5 miles of running with a 2 minute interval of walking between each mile coupled with a half mile warm up and cool down walk. It was pretty hot (my excuse these days). No really, it was in the mid-eighties, which is hot for an out of shape guy! I was able to achieve the target times from Shauna's plan. The last half of the run was a little harder. Here is a photo after the run...enjoying a cool Gatorade to re-fuel and hydrate. The label says it is "performance"! What is up with that?  I believe they are good marketers since I can't tell the difference. As consumers, we tend to buy anything that looks like a magic bullet. Sorry, I digressed from the topic of preparing for a 5K. Nothing magic in these workouts - it is hard work, but worthwhile!

- Kevin Turley

So I am back from vacation and looking very forward to joining the class this coming Wednesday. As you know, at least those who have been reading my blog, my goal is to finish the 5K. Walk, run or crawl I am determined to finish. I have never done anything like this before and have not been able to get myself into formalized or sustained exercise. But perhaps I am seeing just a glimmer of what this can mean to me.  So far I have lost 23 pounds since I have begun a serious commitment to get to my goal of weighting 199.9999999 (that is onederland in case you want to know!). And over my vacation, thanks to my sister-in-law Elizabeth, I have walked with a purpose any time I walk. None of this lolly gagging strolling for me! LOL!!  So it really paid off. As you know from my first blog I had weight loss surgery but things had stopped for me and now with the introduction of 'walking with a purpose' I am losing weight again! Yeah!!

When I left for vacation I was only able to do 0.8 miles and it took me 30 minutes and I could not go on.  I was on the treadmill at our gym at the WOC on Thursday and am very proud to say that I did 1.0 miles in 19.55 minutes!!! Huge improvement!! Thank you, ELIZABETH!! 

More soon!!

- Jo Wilson

Monday, July 29, 2013

What a way to start the 5K class! Last week was the first week of formal 5K training and I missed it. I was out of town for a conference. One of the most difficult challenges of running is finding the time to do it. Life seems to get in the way. It is just so hard to prioritize and get running to the top of the list. I did communicate by email with our instructor, Shauna McQuade, and sent her my background information for plan development. I believe this week I will learn more about my training plan and will learn who will be my coach for the next few months. As for running, I had a nice run Saturday doing a little over three miles of running with a mile of walking. Actually, it felt pretty good. It was a gorgeous day yesterday, so I went again.The plan was to add some distance. My typical run is usually about 30 minutes, so yesterday I did 45 minutes covering about 4.5 miles. I needed a change of scenery, so I thought I would go to the towpath or trail in Cumberland. Nathan advised me that the towpath is incredibly boring, so we did the trail. He went with me and did 6 miles. He pretty much left me within the first two minutes. It was good to have him with me even if I didn't see him until we finished. 

The trail going west out of Cumberland is mostly in the shade in the afternoon, but the uphill grade is noticeable. When I turned to come back it was amazing how different it felt due to the difference in grade. Overall, the that part of the trail is pretty decent for an afternoon run or walk. Plenty of parking and ease of access coupled with the shade makes it attractive. 

I will try to write more frequently now that the 5K training has officially started. If my classmates don't mind, maybe we can get some photos as well. Let me know what you would like to hear about and I will see what I can do. Happy running!

- Kevin Turley

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I Am Unstoppable

Hello everyone. I know I have not blogged in a little while about my adventures in getting ready for our October 5K.  That is because it got VERY busy at work AND I was getting ready for vacation. I don't have to tell any of you what that can be like.  We are now on vacation in the Midwest with my brother Sheldon (S) and his wife Elizabeth (E), who live in San Diego.  We met up in Minneapolis and then traveled to Duluth to spend time with my son Michael and his significant other Stephanie. 

I was and still am determined that I would continue gearing up for the 5K. To help me with that, I was given the packet that will be given out at the first class. I will miss several of the first classes; and as you know from my earlier blogs, I was concerned that missing classes would put me behind. With the packet of information securely packed into my suitcase, I knew I would be able to stay focused.

The other reason I knew I would stay focused is because of S & E.  They are both very conscious of the good exercise can bring to one's health. They routinely walk 6-8 miles each day, have run numerous 5, 10, 20K races and bike in 50-75 mile races!!! Can you even believe it?  I wish I could tell you they are lots younger then me but S is 10 years older then me and E is 1 year younger. They just appreciate the value of routine exercise.

So I have walked more in these few days I have been with them than I think I have in my whole entire life!!! And it is almost like being with a coach as E tells me to put my shoulders back, hold my head up, put those arms to a 90 degree angle. Her goal is to get me to be able to walk 1 mile in 20 minutes. I'm not there yet but it won't be for lack of trying!!

So far I can walk 22 minutes without stopping. That might not sound like much but for me it is a big deal. I feel my enthusiasm to do this race growing stronger each day I am out there walking.

So take a look at my T-shirt in the picture below to see how I feel about this 5K!!  LOL!!  It was taken in Duluth.

- Jo Wilson

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July Has Been a Challenge

Life certainly has a way of challenging us. I began the month with the loss of my father on the 2nd. I have learned that even with what might be expected, it is still difficult to push on, and it is especially hard to take time for yourself.

So, needless to say, my running routine was disrupted. I have been out a few times in July, but only for a total of 8.7 miles. I will say though that the few times I have had time to run that it was actually refreshing. Maybe this stuff is good for the soul.

Here is a quick recap of where I have been. Through June, I continued my routine of combining running and walking. I have been successful increasing the duration of running time. I haven't really kept track of the running or walking time, other than I know over the course of three miles, I will usually only walk a few times and the duration of the walk has been less. In June, I logged 33 miles of run/walk combinations and 12 miles of pure walking, which was the warm up and cool down for the run/walk combinations. My best time for 3.14 miles was 29:25 still with a bit of walking in the routine. I will confess that I did that on a high school track, so it was flat, even terrain. Regardless, I was pleased even though that isn't a good time in the running world I am happy with the progress. Depending on the day, I continue to be somewhere around 30 minutes plus or minus.

So far, in July, I am way under the pace I was on in June and hopeful that I can get back on track making time for myself. I have had tremendous support over the past few weeks from family, friends and wonderful coworkers. I am fortunate to have them all. I am moving on...and back to some running.   



Monday, July 15, 2013

Ending my 5K Avocation

If you are a reader/believer of the Astrological horoscopes, you are probably thinking, “That is typical of an Aries; they begin strong, then fizzle out.”  Regrettably, I must drop out before I even begin official “training” for this 5K.  I won’t go into details, but the pain in my back is telling me to take a step backwards for now and allow time for healing.  I may be able to walk the 5K in October because it is still 10 weeks away, but I certainly will not be able to run it.  Additionally, I want to give one of the 30 people on the waiting list (who actually can take advantage of the running training) a chance to get in on the sessions from the beginning, which is next week.
I will be there on October 5, cheering on all my friends, and hopefully walking the distance myself.  So to those of you in training, keep up the great work!  I want to thank many of my friends for supporting me through private notes and calls: you know who you are.  Amy Campbell provided this quote for me to use here from Mary Kay Ash:  “You can keep the goal, but change the date of the goal.”  So for me, this goal is postponed until perhaps next year.
Patty Wright

Monday, July 8, 2013

How do they do it?

I am back!  Back, but taking things very carefully this first week.  Yes, I was released to work and to walk – at least gently while I still heal.  A big THANK YOU to all who expressed concern and sent personal messages of encouragement!
In case you didn’t read my post two weeks ago, the point I made was that one mile is a long, long distance.  Some days it seems longer than others, but I am told that is normal.  Now that I am walking 3.1 miles on a regular basis, the first two don’t seem that bad, but (oh my gosh), that third one is horrible! 
I talked to my friend, the runner, about this and he said that when he is running a marathon (26.2 miles), within the first five miles, he is in pain.  He said that he can’t think about how many more he has to run before finishing; he just thinks about the next step.  What great advice: think only about the next step.  One step builds upon the last and before I know it, I am finished my walk for the day.  This crazy person also told me he ran the last four miles of a race with a rock in his shoe, not wanting to stop to remove it for fear of losing time.  He ended with a bloody foot!  Maybe I shouldn’t heed his advice?
Because I am now walking the entire 5k four days a week, I am beginning to think about jogging some of it.  Just thinking about it, mind you.  I have watched as runners of various ages glide past me on the trail each evening.  They seem to just float over the ground, barely touching it with their feet, all the while propelling forward with minimal effort.  There is no pounding, bouncing or high impact in their movement.  It appears almost like a delicate dance as they float by me, soon disappearing out of sight.  During times when I have tried my 20 steps of jogging, it feels like a wrecking ball with my feet hitting the ground and the rest of my body parts bouncing and absorbing the impact.  You would think that the impact of a foot on the ground would cause the lower extremity to be jolted; in my case, it vibrates all the way up to my head making my eyebrows bounce and my hair hurt.  I guess I should wait for the actual “training” to begin before trying that again.  They are probably going to teach us how to glide effortlessly and skim the ground like the others I have witnessed.  How do they do that? 
Like Kevin, I listen to music while I walk and I read that the tempo of the music determines a person’s stride.  If I fill my playlist with songs that have a faster tempo, it might inspire me to try that jogging thing again or at least improve on my snail-like walking time.  Sorry, but that Army cadence that Kevin recommended does nothing for me.  So, I am asking my readers for suggestions.  I like many styles of music (except Rap of course – that isn’t real music anyway).    To give you a clue as to the genre I like, a few of the tunes on my playlist right now include “Just Give Me a Reason”, “Too Close”,  “ Gone, Gone, Gone”,  “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger”, “Try”, “Some Nights” and “Change”.   Please send me some suggestions for faster tempo songs.  Onward!!

- Patty Wright

Monday, July 1, 2013

Life is Getting in the Way

So now I have a logistical challenge to figure out in order to make my training for the 5K happen. This logistical challenge is personal, professional and community oriented.

About 2.5 months ago or so my husband David was laid off from his job at the Cumberland Times-News. It was totally unexpected and needless to say we were both shocked.  David gave up his career so I could pursue mine here in Cumberland. He is a TV news/Talk Show Director/Editor and there just isn't much calling for that here in Cumberland. So he has done a variety of things since we moved here 10 years ago and the newspaper probably had the closest atmosphere to TV the he could find.  I am sharing this with you because job loss is one of the most stressful things to go through and we all know from my earlier post what my reaction to stress is.....I EAT!!!!!!  

So after much discussion David has decided to go back to school at ACM for a Certificate in Medical Coding. We think it will take him about 18 months since it has been a looooong time since he has been in school. And he found a position at Spherix where they are flexible and can work with his school schedule. He will begin in Aug once we return from vacation.

But this means lots of changes for me in my schedule. David will be going to school in the day time and working at Sperix till 9 every week night. Up until now David has been able to be home by 6 to let the dogs out and more importantly give Victoria her evening insulin injection if I am not home by 7pm. All that has to change. There truly are weeks where I don't make it home till 9pm.

I am on 4-5 boards, President of one and VP of one, and I play cards every other week. And the once a week 5K training class goes to 8:30pm. And I was trying to fit in training 3 times a week. I won't bring up my hair and nail appointments because I don't want to deal with all your eye rolling. LOL!!

So I am trying to figure this out because I HAVE TOOO!!  I will NOT allow myself to hide behind these logistical issues. Anybody know a doggie sitter that could help me and would not be afraid to give a shot to my baby dog daughter??

- Jo Wilson

Friday, June 28, 2013

A few days ago someone asked me if I listened to music while running. Actually, I listen to Army cadence while I run. It does a couple of things for me. First, I find it motivating. It brings back many memories of running in the Army with a Drill Sgt. keeping us going, in step and so on. Better yet, the double time cadence keeps you more or less at a pace of between 7.5 to 8 minutes per mile. Here is the funny part. When playing the cadences, the timing is different for each one. For those of you who were in the military, you know all about staying in step. For those of you who are non-military, when the cadence starts your left foot is on the ground. So, when each one changes in the playlist, you are usually out of step. I simply cannot run out of step. It won't work for me. That is so engrained in me that I have to take a skip or shuffle to get in step. I imagine others that see me running wonder what in the world is that guy doing with that "skip or shuffle thing" every two or three minutes.  If you want to try running to cadence, go to iTunes and search "cadence". You should have plenty of choices. Give it a try - it will keep you going...have a great weekend!

- Kevin Turley

Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Treadmill Adventure

Well it is just too darn hot outside to walk so last Thursday morning Carey introduced me to our exercise room over at the WOC. WOW!! Is it ever nice. I tried out the treadmill, which comes with on-board fans. I was very impressed. It has a lot of bells and whistles which really help to make the walk an adventure. However it wasn’t until Tuesday that I could get back over and begin my more regimented training. I tried to walk outside over the weekend; and once again with Victoria and Snoopy in tow, it wasn’t what you would call a great success.  I did go one mile but it took me 30 minutes to get there. Anyway, I was looking forward to using the treadmill without having them with me.

We figured out that if I set the speed to 3.0 in 20 minutes I will do a mile. This is what Shauna suggested that I go for. Weeeeell I got on the treadmill, and started walking, and quite honestly, I thought I was going to have a heart attack after 3 minutes at that speed. I had to slow things down to 2.2 miles.
But happily I was able to walk the 20 minutes without stopping. It is a start of my journey.

I plan on walking Wednesday and Friday this week and hope that I can eventually by Friday get up to the 3.0 speed. I also saw that there is a 5K button on the machine and I was going to try it out later this week as well.

I don’t know if I will ever get to the point where endorphins kick in and I can’t wait to exercise, but I am proud of myself that I am doing this.

- Jo Wilson

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


This was not my intended topic for this week but it seemed appropriate with what has been happening in my training. I believe that the only way a blog can be relevant and meaningful – for the reader and writer – is to be completely open and honest about the experience.
Yesterday (Monday) I injured my back at work.  It was a stupid move really; just bending to pick up a chair and move it.  After all, I moved it to the area where it was sitting; I could certainly move it back.  However, it was in the manner I twisted to pick it up.  I felt the snap and discomfort immediately.  This was very close to the end of my day and I decided to try to get my walk in regardless.  Due to the thunderstorms, 98 degrees, and 100% humidity, I decided to use the WMHS gym treadmill.  I was able to get through my 5k walk, although a bit slower than normal (if that is possible) and with some discomfort.  Later that evening and into the next morning, movement became more difficult for me.  Upon returning to work on Tuesday, I decided I should practice what I preach to all the volunteers and report my injury to Employee Health.  To make a long story (and day) short, I am off work and off walking for a few days.
My greatest concern in the Emergency Department was that I couldn’t do my 5k walk.  I just wanted a quick fix so I would not miss an exercise day.  Well this body doesn’t heal as quickly as it did in my 20’s and I am slowly learning to respect what it is trying to tell me.  So today and for the next few days, I need to rest.  Ice, rest, ice rest.  Boring!
I have been afraid of falling or twisting an ankle or something that would slow or stop my progress.  Who knew that just moving a little chair would do it?  I know we have to plan for set-backs, but these are the times when I usually quit.  Not this time.  I will be back out there as soon as it is safe, so don’t count me out yet.
- Patty Wright

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Importance of Hydration and Rest

Water, water and more water…two weeks ago, I did some traveling and didn't drink adequately. Specifically, the day I traveled home I probably only drank about 24 oz. of  fluids and I don't recall that any of it was water (mostly tea).  I was also tired from less sleep than usual. Upon returning home, I went out for a run. Wow! It felt like the first week all over again. Lack of sleep certainly contributed to a very low level of performance, but I believe the lack of proper hydration was the primary culprit. The run was a disaster. I was slow and almost felt sick if I pushed myself. I just couldn't go.  I know that proper hydration as well as getting adequate rest is important, but I have to admit that I have terrible habits with both. So, the running has really shown me how critical both are to performance and I assume equally important to good health whether running or not. I need to listen to my body (and others around me who remind me daily) how important it is to drink water and get sleep.

My journey continues. I am getting out about 3 to 4 times a week and I can feel myself getting a bit stronger each week. Keep in mind, "getting a bit stronger" is a relative term, but for me, I feel the progress and it really feels good. I have enjoyed receiving words of support from everyone. I have to tell you it does make a difference, so feel free to drop a note here under comments or on our Facebook page. Of course, the good old fashion, but never out of style "hello or hey, we are following your journey" works great as well. Let me hear from you!

-Kevin Turley

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Numbers Matter

I am training for a 5K, yet I am attempting to walk 3 miles.  Why?  Because the United States (and some of the UK) does not typically use the metric system, like the rest of the world.  So, I measure, and time, and walk.  I walk and walk and walk, trying to get to the 3 mile mark and be assured of finishing this 5K.  I have also been timing myself – one mile, two miles, three miles . . .
A friend, who is a seasoned runner, advised me to just be consistent and not worry about the timing.  But how can I not be concerned? All of our lives revolve around numbers.  We wake at a certain time, arrive to work at a certain time, count calories, count steps, time our commutes, measure miles driven, know how much money we have, know phone numbers, know our weight, record the years we have lived, and build our number of Facebook friendships.  We cannot escape using numbers to measure and place value on daily activities. Some numbers stir emotions deep within us – good or bad.  To demonstrate this point, think about how you feel when you see your weight on a scale or the total on your unexpected bonus check at work.  My obsession with the numbers led me to the following facts; or as Oprah says, here is what I know for sure:

440 steps (3 feet in length) = ¼ mile                       
1760 steps = 1 mile
I kilometer = .62 miles
5 kilometers = 3.1 miles

I had been walking the track at AC, which at 4:00 p.m.  is very hot; only the part of the path on the far back side is shaded at that time.  I noticed while driving home one day that the Allegany trail is completely shaded at that hour, due to the mountainside.  I was trying to count and determine the distance so I could continue timing myself (you can see how impossible this was).  All of this was too difficult to keep up with, especially since I like listening to music while I walk.  So this weekend, I brought my bike to my usual starting point (Valley and Lee Street trail parking lot) and measured with my bike odometer.  I discretely marked ½ mile increments up to 1.5 miles.  Now I can walk in the shade and know the distance: 1.5 miles up, 1.5 miles back = 3 miles.  If anyone reading would like to know my secret markings, message me and I will tell you.  Yes, I am walking all 3 miles now!!!
Although we typically measure in miles, it sure feels like I accomplished more by saying I walked 5k rather than 3.1 miles.  I am actually walking 5k four times a week – so 20k a week!  Wow, that sounds even better.  Numbers do have an impact on how we feel about what we are doing.

-Patty Wright

Monday, June 17, 2013

I'm on my way!

So today I met with Carey Moffatt, Health Educator & Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and Shauna, one of the trainers for our 5K. The reason I wanted to met with them is for two reasons. First, I am going to be on vacation and will miss the first 2 classes; and secondly I am anxious to get started with a program. We are going to do a lot of walking on our vacation and I want to be able to do the walking without any problems.

So Carey brought me a pedometer.  I put it on my shoe around noon today and wore it till I came home.

Shauna is going to send me the questionnaire I need to fill out so she can get me started. We have decided that I will do better starting out in our fitness center on the treadmill rather then walking around outside.

 I need to make a commitment to do this. I know that when it comes to doing a task at work, or if something needs to get done, I won't stop until it is finished. I'm the same way at home. I can't relax until all the chores are done. This is not the case when it comes to me....somehow I forget to take my supplements like calcium or vitamin pills...or there just isn't time for me to exercise....but yes I can fit in another volunteer project or committee meeting. I have got to find a way to take that resolve and tenacity that I seem to have for everything else and put it to me. So I looked at my schedule and next week is already booked crazy. But beginning the week of June 24, look for me in our fitness center. I blocked out a time all 5 week days through July 16.  After that we are getting ready to go on vacation. 

People keep asking me if I'm going to run the 5K. I don't know the answer to that. Right now my goal is to finish the 5K. That will be an accomplishment in itself. But I do know this...I am going to do this!

Oh and that pedometer...when I took it off it had 3,289 steps!  I could not believe it. At my height, 2400 steps = 1 mile.  I'm on my way!!!!

-Jo Wilson

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Clothes make the Man (or Woman)?

The quote is actually from Mark Twain: “The clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.” 
Upon recommendation, I purchased a new pair of shoes.  I was told that if my workout shoes are over a year old, new ones are needed because the cushioning wears out.  I was shopping in Altoona on Saturday and ventured into a sports shop (not one of my favorite places) and told them what I was doing.  They didn’t seem as impressed as I thought they should have been.  After several seemingly scientific tests: standing on a scanner, watching my feet appear digitally on a screen, walking back and forth for the sales person, I was “prescribed” the shoes below:

A friend who met us for lunch on Saturday shared my enthusiasm for the shoes, stating that they looked “fast” even without being on me.  We shall see.  I think they are pretty and I love shoes, so what a great excuse to purchase a new pair! 
Yesterday was my trial run with the new shoes and I had to walk on a treadmill in our own WMHS gym because it was pouring down rain at the end of my work day.  I will have to do further experimentation, but I cut two minutes off my two mile time!  I am crediting that to the treadmill as opposed to walking the AC track, but the first nice day will test that hypothesis.  For those interested, our WMHS gym is nearly empty at 4:00 p.m.
One more side note for this week: I was thrilled at being published on this blog and sent the link to many friends.  This also helps keep me accountable; when I tell others, I’m less likely to quit.  One friend replied that tracks at colleges are generally only ¼ mile around, so I probably am only walking ½ mile instead of two miles!  Well I (and other locals) know that the large track at AC is one mile around and yes, I am walking it twice: hence, two miles!  Actually, this week I am adding another ½ mile to my workouts making them 2.5 miles.  My goal is to be able to walk all three miles before our official training begins on July 24.  My progress is slow, but I’m not standing still.

-Patty Wright