The journey of several WMHS employees as they get ready for a 5K!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


This was not my intended topic for this week but it seemed appropriate with what has been happening in my training. I believe that the only way a blog can be relevant and meaningful – for the reader and writer – is to be completely open and honest about the experience.
Yesterday (Monday) I injured my back at work.  It was a stupid move really; just bending to pick up a chair and move it.  After all, I moved it to the area where it was sitting; I could certainly move it back.  However, it was in the manner I twisted to pick it up.  I felt the snap and discomfort immediately.  This was very close to the end of my day and I decided to try to get my walk in regardless.  Due to the thunderstorms, 98 degrees, and 100% humidity, I decided to use the WMHS gym treadmill.  I was able to get through my 5k walk, although a bit slower than normal (if that is possible) and with some discomfort.  Later that evening and into the next morning, movement became more difficult for me.  Upon returning to work on Tuesday, I decided I should practice what I preach to all the volunteers and report my injury to Employee Health.  To make a long story (and day) short, I am off work and off walking for a few days.
My greatest concern in the Emergency Department was that I couldn’t do my 5k walk.  I just wanted a quick fix so I would not miss an exercise day.  Well this body doesn’t heal as quickly as it did in my 20’s and I am slowly learning to respect what it is trying to tell me.  So today and for the next few days, I need to rest.  Ice, rest, ice rest.  Boring!
I have been afraid of falling or twisting an ankle or something that would slow or stop my progress.  Who knew that just moving a little chair would do it?  I know we have to plan for set-backs, but these are the times when I usually quit.  Not this time.  I will be back out there as soon as it is safe, so don’t count me out yet.
- Patty Wright


  1. So sorry you injured your back, Patty. Follow the doctor's orders and rest. Maybe you should try knitting to help relieve the boredom. You'll be back on your feet in no time (I hope)! Keep us posted.

  2. So sorry, Patty! Hope you heal fast. Bravo for your determination to keep your eye on the 5K prize.

    Don't think of your enforced time off as "boring." It's a gift of some hours to take deep breaths, read just for fun, watch silly talk shows, and play with your pets (and hubby). Enjoy!

