The journey of several WMHS employees as they get ready for a 5K!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I Went for a Walk Around the Block

Well I didn’t want to put it off any longer so I went for my first walk around the block. The only thing is I took company with me. Probably not the best idea I have had. My company was the doggies. Victoria Ann (best dog in all the land) is a 12 and a half-year-old miniature dachshund. She is quite the spoiled princess, and at her age going for walks is not top of the list of fun things to do (hmmm, I am thinking she is onto something…Just kidding). Any way I also took Snoopy who is a 47-pound terrier mix. Unfortunately for me, Snoopy’s idea of a walk is a stop, sniff and pull. He stops and sniffs and I pull! And Victoria doesn’t do walks but wanted to come so I put her in her doggie carriage. Here is a picture of Victoria in her carriage.

Anyway what a fiasco, I am pushing the carriage and Snoopy is running to the edge of his 12-foot leash and gets wrapped around every mail box we come to (or so it seems)! OY!!

But the new tennis shoes I purchased, along with the socks, are amazingly comfortable. I purchased a brand of tennis shoes call Merrell. I have included a picture of them. The socks I purchased are Thorlo Women's Moderate Cushion Light Hiking Mini Crew Sock with Coolmax and I have included a picture of them as well. I never thought having the right shoes and socks could make such a difference.

I also bought a support garment (better known as a bra). Not sure I am allowed to say that and for sure I am not including a picture of that!! But very important.

So I am a bit concerned because I am on vacation for the first two weeks of our class. So I have reached out to Carey in Wellness to see if she can speak to our trainers to see if they can perhaps get me started a bit early so I won’t fall behind.

Anyway, I completed my walk. I was very hot and sweaty but very proud of myself. Every journey has to start somewhere and I have made my first step!!

Jo Wilson


  1. Jo - I will also miss the first meeting with our coaches and want to know what is covered ahead of time.
    So glad we are in this together. Congrats on your first step.

  2. Jo,
    Very proud of you! I decided to do this too and I never was a runner so it is something new for me too. Hope we can make it to the finish line!!
