The journey of several WMHS employees as they get ready for a 5K!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mid-life Musings

I’m not sure I identify with that concept of “mid-life”, but some of the unpredictable things I have done lately might be explained by such.  For instance, last year I began a journey to attain a Doctorate degree.  I have been thinking about it for some time and after much thought, jumped in with both feet.  My rationale was that the time will pass anyway, and in three years, I’ll be three years older (a no-brainer) and could be three years older holding a Doctor of Business Administration degree.  So, with a little fear, I took the leap and so far, am happy I did.  I can draw some similarities between that step and the journey I have recently committed to: running a 5K.  As of right now, June 5, 2013, I can’t run even 25 steps in a row (I know, I tried last night). 
I ran in high school, but that was a hundred years and many pounds ago.  What would possess me to even attempt this at this point in life?  I am calling it (along with being a student again) my mid-life re-assessment.  The first announcement of this wonderful opportunity WMHS is offering had me reading and rereading, thinking if it could apply to me.  I ran it past Karen Johnson, who encouraged me to do it. Then I talked to my friend who owns the gym I belong to, Amy Owens, who helped me name what was holding me back: fear of failure.  It is a common fear and the same one I faced entering school last year.  So, once I defined success for me, which is just finishing, I was able to turn in my paperwork.  A signature on paper means commitment!
Another reason for me to try this is simply being given the opportunity to do so.  We all strive for better health – for personal and professional reasons, so to be handed this gift and not accept it would be foolish.  WMHS is providing us with professional running coaches for FREE!!!  To be given the opportunity to learn, grow, improve, and challenge myself – and do so with a supportive group that I see daily – is too good to pass up.  I say proudly, I am in!
I have exercised religiously (not sure I identify with that term) for many years, but I never ran.  I actually hate walking; it is the slowest way to get from one point to another and I don’t like slow in any form.  With that in mind, I thought I should try to see if I could even walk that far.  I actually thought it would be easy since I do other exercises daily.  Surprise!  It isn’t!  For one thing, I was advised to do as much walking outside as possible; treadmills are terribly jarring on joints.  So, last week I started (in 90 degree plus weather).  Well, I’m up to two miles at a very slow pace and I finish dripping with sweat and feeling great about myself that I at least did a little.  To combat the time management problem, I have marked my calendar to walk at least three days a week from now until this program finishes in October. 
Lucky for me, I also have a cheerleading team, led by my friend, Kelly Borsuk.  She promised me to be there every step of the way and is encouraging me (and others).  I am excited to be part of this group – and yes, a little scared, too.  Thank you for reading my mid-life musings about this wonderful, crazy adventure.  I welcome reader’s comments as I am sure the other bloggers do.  If you are not participating in the program, please participate by supporting those of us who are with words of encouragement (keep your doubts to yourself, please.  We have enough of our own).
Thanks for reading,

Patty Wright


  1. Welcome to the journey Patty!

  2. Patty! You can do this! You are capable of anything you choose. Keep us informed every step of the way. (Pun?)


  3. You can do this Babe! I want you to know I support you 100%.

  4. I am cheering you all of the way!!!!! Gooooooo Patty!!!!!!

